E-commerce Site Marketing: Products Don’t Always Speak for Themselves

Many times a great promotional product remains unseen by the elusive customer.  What’s simply so sad is that many great promotional products should reach the hands, households, and hearts of consumers, but fail to be noticed.

Truly, there is no marketing mix miracle that will shine an illuminating spotlight on any given product, but many simple tactics are underutilized or overlooked.  However, by starting at the marketing basics and expanding outwardly into the vast digital universe of E-marketing opportunities, a retail channel can nurture a product with the marketing strategy it deserves.

E-commerce sites are perhaps the most underutilizing of product marketing strategies.  Products are sold best when they serve as extension of your business’ core brand.  If your company is a hot, hip, snarky skate shop, then your product marketing should reflect the pungent attitude of you and your customers.

Not all your promotional products need your equal attention!  You could call out your hottest selling items with digital branding that exemplifies the youthful hipness of your target customer.  If your skate shop’s hottest item is a skull cap branded with your logo, then you have a perfect opportunity to leverage its popularity to brand both your main site and Ecommerce site.   Create some cool collateral imagery of your target, being hip as hell, wearing your product.

There are many awesome ideas that can make or break the bank when it comes to promotional product sales.  If you have any genius epiphanies you’d like to share, then let’s get a dialog going.  We’d love to bounce ideas back and forth.  In the meantime, check out some cool, super relevant tips to help your E-commerce site’s search engine optimization in this Mashable.com article: http://mashable.com/2012/03/01/ecommerce-seo-tips-google/